Akiha Uryu / 瓜生明希葉
Award winning singer-songwriter, Akiha Uryu, grew up in Fukuoka and Tokyo Japan. She began
composing songs as a child, and at the age of 15 was awarded second prize at a major label
audition. An accomplished pianist, Akiha incorporates piano into most of her songs, which
bring together elements of pop, jazz, lyrical and dramatic music. She has written many works
for famous theatrical plays, including “Ningen Fusha”, which was performed at Tokyo’s Parco
Theatre in 2000, and “Tokyo Tower”, which was performed by some of Japan’s leading actors at
Tokyo’s Ginga Theatre in 2007. She has also written music for television and radio commercials,
for clients including Keio Corporation, Tokyo Metro and Menard Cosmetics. In 2011, she composed
a piece for Platinum Guild International that was recognized as Japan’s best radio commercial by
All Japan Radio & Television Commercial Confederation and she was personally awarded as the
musician for the commercial. Akiha moved to Tokyo in 2002 to attend Waseda University and focus
on creating music. The first of her five albums was released in 2004 on an independent label.
In Japan, she regularly held concerts in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Fukuoka. Akiha currently resides
in New York City. She draws inspiration from the city’s unique mix of cultures to develop her
creative spirit in new directions. She is passionate about food and traveling.
福岡県出身。幼少期から趣味で曲作りをはじめる。主にピアノを使って作曲、表現をし、曲調はポップ、ジャズ、叙情的 でドラマティックと多岐に渡る。高校時代にパルコ劇場で上演された「人間風車」の舞台劇中歌に抜擢され、以来舞台、 テレビやラジオのコマーシャルなどへの楽曲提供をしている。2011年、音楽制作を手がけた「プラチナリング」のラジオ CMが「2011 ACC CM FESTIVAL」にてラジオCM部門の「総理大臣賞/グランプリ」と「クラフト賞(音楽賞)」をダブル受賞。大学在学中2004年にファーストアルバムを創り、東京、大阪、京都、福岡などでライヴ活動、現在5枚のアルバム をリリースしている。旅と食事をこよなく愛す。現在NY在住。
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